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Real World Graphic Design: Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
Introduction To The Course (5:31)
Beginner Photoshop
Deepen a Blue Sky in Photoshop (2:08)
Adding A Sunset To A Sky In Photoshop (2:52)
Increasing Contrast To An Image In Photoshop (3:07)
Intermediate Photoshop
Improving Photos In Photoshop (3:40)
How to Make Pop Art In Photoshop (5:23)
Removing Backgrounds And Cutting Out In Photoshop (3:41)
Web Graphics
Creating A 3D eBook Cover In Photoshop (5:22)
Creating A Website Favicon In Photoshop (2:55)
Creating Web Graphics In Illustrator And Photoshop (6:00)
Intermediate Illustrator
Creating A "Quality Stamp" In Illustrator (15:08)
Create A Custom Logo Font With Round Corners In Illustrator (4:25)
Make PowerPoint And Excel Charts Look Great With Illustrator (4:23)
Conclusion (3:33)
Creating Web Graphics In Illustrator And Photoshop
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