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Selling Notebooks & Low Content Paperback Books On Amazon
Introduction (2:29)
Welcome To The Course (3:39)
Six Reasons Why I Love Selling Paperbacks on Amazon (And Why It's Better Than Merch) (8:57)
The Useful Info and Links in the Course PDF (9:30)
Examples of Notebooks and Low Content Books That Sell On Amazon (3:40)
Creating Amazon Products On Amazon
Introduction to Keyword and Niche Selection and Uploading at KDP (1:27)
Keyword Research On Amazon For Notebook And Low Content Book Niches (27:35)
Keyword Research video from the free course. (Worth watching if you haven't seen it). (11:10)
How To Upload And Sell Paperback Books on Amazon through KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) (15:46)
Keyword Research And How To Fill Out The Title, Subtitle, and Backend Keywords (11:40)
Designing Beautiful Book Interiors and Covers
Introduction to Book Designing (0:57)
Create Interiors in Google Slides PLUS Two Interiors For You To Edit And Use! (8:12)
Creating Interiors – With PDF, MS Word & Powerpoint Templates For You To Use Now! (18:42)
How To Create The Paperback Interior With Adobe InDesign (10:08)
How to Use Canva to Design Covers for KDP Cover Creator (9:46)
How To Do a KDP Cover PDF with Spine Text in Canva (10:37)
Creating A Notebook Cover From A Merch T-Shirt In Photoshop (11:50)
Creating A Notebook Cover From A Merch T-Shirt In Illustrator (6:01)
How To Create The Cover In Adobe Photoshop (12:19)
How To Create The Cover In Adobe Illustrator (12:41)
Scaling A Notebook Design By Creating Multiple Covers In Photoshop (7:30)
Designing a KDP Book Cover with Spine Text with Affinity Designer (9:36)
Amazon Advertising for Low Content Paperback Books (11:09)
From 0 To $2500+/month In 3 Months: Interview with Shashwat Ashiya (21:37)
Conclusion (0:58)
Introduction to Book Designing
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